Son of God: what do the Qur'an and the Bible say?

The Bible identifies Jesus as the 'Son of God'. But what exactly does it mean to call Jesus by this title? Should we take it literally, or is it only an expression? Is the Qur'an justified in rejecting it?

Do you believe in Jesus?

“Of course I do!” you might answer. Like other Muslims around the world today, you might honour Jesus as a real, historical person, born of a virgin, whose message and ministry was from God. You might be quick to point out that believing in Jesus is essential to being a Muslim: “He is a Messenger of Allah and one of the great prophets, after all!”

Is Jesus the Son of God?

This question is much more divisive. For Muslims, the idea that Jesus is God’s son is not just strange, but deeply offensive and blasphemous. “God,” you might respond, “is far above having a son!” Perhaps you would say we should accept the oneness of God (tawhid). After all, “to join partners to Allah is the unforgiveable sin (shirk)!” And as the Qur’an points out, God “begets not, nor is he begotten.”{1}

You might say it’s all a misunderstanding, since the ancient Christians wrongly called Jesus ‘Son of God’ to make sense of his virgin birth or the miracles he performed.

You might reason too that Jesus was only a Messenger who came to preach tawhid. “He wouldn’t dream of calling himself the Son of God!” Surely the early Christians just got it wrong…

In the Qur’an, we are told on several occasions that Jesus was mistaken by Christians as a literal son of God.{2} But are there sound reasons to support this claim? In this booklet we will consider what both the Qur’an and the Bible have to say on this important subject.

  • Is Jesus the Son of God because he was born of a virgin?
  • Is Jesus the Son of God because he performed outstanding miracles?
  • Is Jesus the Son of God because he was naturally ‘begotten’ by God?
  • What did Jesus claim about himself?

By carefully considering these questions together, we can begin to build a clearer picture of the real message and identity of Jesus.

Is Jesus The 'Son Of God' Because He Was Born of a Virgin? »