Jesus as the Son of God

Christian and Mustafa discuss the ways that the Bible and the Quran undertsand what it means Jesus is the Son of God.

Christian: Hey Mustafa, how was your weekend, you were going away for a Quran camp weren’t you? How did it go?
Mustafa: Hi Christian, it was really good. We learned about the life of the prophet Muhammed, what he said and did.
Christian: That’s interesting, at church this weekend, we had a really good sermon all about Jesus, all about him being the Son of God.
Mustafa: I’ve never really understood why Christians call Jesus the Son of God. In the Quran it says that Allah has no associates (Quran 4.48, Quran 4.116, Quran 23.91), and that Jesus is no more than a messenger (Quran 3.5, Quran 5.75, Quran 4.171). Although he is a really important prophet to us. He must be really special as he was born from the virgin Mary (Quran 19.16-21, Quran 19.34-35).
Christian: What do you think it means that Jesus is the Son of God?
Mustafa: Well, if Jesus is a Son, and God is his father, who is his wife? (Quran 6.101) The Bible says that it is Mary, right?
Christian: Actually, that’s not what Son of God means. In fact, I was looking at some verses from the Quran the other day and noticed that the Quran says Christians believe that the trinity is Father, Son and Mary (Quran 5.116). No true Christian has ever believed that. The term Son of God tells us about Jesus’ spiritual identity. The Bible says that although Jesus is fully human (Matthew 1:21), he is also fully God as well (John 1:1-2, Colossians 2:9). As God, he has the same honour and authority as his Father in heaven (John 5:23, Matthew 28:18).
Mustafa: But, one of our imam teachers, said that nowhere in the Bible does Jesus say, “I am God, worship me.” How would you answer that?
Christian: Actually, the Incil clearly teaches that Jesus is God. Like in John 1:1, or in Philippians 2 where it says that Jesus was “in fully nature God”.
Mustafa: Yes, but that is someone else talking about Jesus. Where did Jesus himself say it?
Christian: Actually, Jesus could have said it, but I think he wanted to be absolutely clear that the Jewish people of the day knew for sure what he was claiming. When God appeared to Moses in the burning bush, he told Moses his special name (Exodus 3:14). He said he was called “I AM”. In other words he is who he is and no one is compared with him. When Jesus was talking with the Jewish leaders of the day, he said, before Abraham existed, “I AM”. He was claiming to be God (John 5:58).
Mustafa: But did they worship him?
Christian: No, actually they tried to stone him to death because they thought he was speaking blasphemy! They knew exactly what he was claiming!!
Mustafa: I didn’t know that!
Christian: God has many titles in the Bible, in fact I was reading recently that in the Bible God has over 950 names and titles!!
Mustafa: Really? We only know 99 names of God. For example, he is Merciful, compassionate and powerful. He is even called the “First and the Last” to show he is eternal (Quran 57.3).
Christian: Wait, did you just say “First and Last”?
Mustafa: Yes, they are 2 of the 99 names of Allah in the Quran.
Christian: That is amazing. Let me read you a verse from the book of Revelation: “Look, I am coming soon! My reward is with me, and I will give to each person according to what they have done. I am the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End.” Revelation 22:12-13 – Can you see now why we say Jesus is the Son of God?
Mustafa: That is really interesting… Could you get me an Injeel to read? Don’t tell anyone though as my family would get angry….