Sahih al-Bukhari, Book 81, Hadith 119 (In-Book) ⓘ
Narrated Abu Sa`id: The Prophet said, "Allah will say, 'O Adam!. Adam will reply, 'Labbaik and Sa`daik (I respond to Your Calls, I am obedient to Your orders), wal Khair fi Yadaik (and all the good is in Your Hands)!' Then Allah will say (to Adam), Bring out the people of the Fire.' Adam will say, 'What (how many) are the people of the Fire?' Allah will say, 'Out of every thousand (take out) nine hundred and ninety-nine (persons).' At that time children will become hoary-headed and every pregnant female will drop her load (have an abortion) and you will see the people as if they were drunk, yet not drunk; But Allah's punishment will be very severe." That news distressed the companions of the Prophet too much, and they said, "O Allah's Messenger! Who amongst us will be that man (the lucky one out of one-thousand who will be saved from the Fire)?" He said, "Have the good news that one-thousand will be from Gog and Magog, and the one (to be saved will be) from you." The Prophet added, "By Him in Whose Hand my soul is, I Hope that you (Muslims) will be one third of the people of Paradise." On that, we glorified and praised Allah and said, "Allahu Akbar." The Prophet then said, "By Him in Whose Hand my soul is, I hope that you will be one half of the people of Paradise, as your (Muslims) example in comparison to the other people (non-Muslims), is like that of a white hair on the skin of a black ox, or a round hairless spot on the foreleg of a donkey."
حَدَّثَنِي يُوسُفُ بْنُ مُوسَى، حَدَّثَنَا جَرِيرٌ، عَنِ الأَعْمَشِ، عَنْ أَبِي صَالِحٍ، عَنْ أَبِي سَعِيدٍ، قَالَ قَالَ رَسُولُ اللَّهِ صلى الله عليه وسلم " يَقُولُ اللَّهُ يَا آدَمُ. فَيَقُولُ لَبَّيْكَ وَسَعْدَيْكَ وَالْخَيْرُ فِي يَدَيْكَ. قَالَ يَقُولُ أَخْرِجْ بَعْثَ النَّارِ. قَالَ وَمَا بَعْثُ النَّارِ قَالَ مِنْ كُلِّ أَلْفٍ تِسْعَمِائَةٍ وَتِسْعَةً وَتِسْعِينَ. فَذَاكَ حِينَ يَشِيبُ الصَّغِيرُ، وَتَضَعُ كُلُّ ذَاتِ حَمْلٍ حَمْلَهَا، وَتَرَى النَّاسَ سَكْرَى وَمَا هُمْ بِسَكْرَى وَلَكِنَّ عَذَابَ اللَّهِ شَدِيدٌ ". فَاشْتَدَّ ذَلِكَ عَلَيْهِمْ فَقَالُوا يَا رَسُولُ اللَّهِ أَيُّنَا الرَّجُلُ قَالَ " أَبْشِرُوا، فَإِنَّ مِنْ يَأْجُوجَ وَمَأْجُوجَ أَلْفٌ وَمِنْكُمْ رَجُلٌ ـ ثُمَّ قَالَ ـ وَالَّذِي نَفْسِي فِي يَدِهِ إِنِّي لأَطْمَعُ أَنْ تَكُونُوا ثُلُثَ أَهْلِ الْجَنَّةِ ". قَالَ فَحَمِدْنَا اللَّهَ وَكَبَّرْنَا، ثُمَّ قَالَ " وَالَّذِي نَفْسِي فِي يَدِهِ إِنِّي لأَطْمَعُ أَنْ تَكُونُوا شَطْرَ أَهْلِ الْجَنَّةِ، إِنَّ مَثَلَكُمْ فِي الأُمَمِ كَمَثَلِ الشَّعَرَةِ الْبَيْضَاءِ فِي جِلْدِ الثَّوْرِ الأَسْوَدِ أَوِ الرَّقْمَةِ فِي ذِرَاعِ الْحِمَارِ ".
also referenced under: Hadith 6530 (DarusSalam) & Volume 8, Book 76, Hadith 537 (USC-MSA)