Sahih Muslim , Book 39, Hadith 72 (In-Book) ⓘ
'A'isha reported that Allah's Messenger granted sanction to the members of a family of the Ansar for incantation (for removing the effects) of the poison of the scorpion.
حَدَّثَنَا يَحْيَى بْنُ يَحْيَى، أَخْبَرَنَا هُشَيْمٌ، عَنْ مُغِيرَةَ، عَنْ إِبْرَاهِيمَ، عَنِ الأَسْوَدِ، عَنْ عَائِشَةَ، قَالَتْ رَخَّصَ رَسُولُ اللَّهِ صلى الله عليه وسلم لأَهْلِ بَيْتٍ مِنَ الأَنْصَارِ فِي الرُّقْيَةِ مِنَ الْحُمَةِ .
also referenced under: Hadith 2193 (Reference) & Book 26, Hadith 5443 (USC-MSA)