Riyad as-Salihin, Book 20, Hadith 1883 (In-Book)

Al-Mughirah bin Shu'bah (May Allah be pleased with him) said: The Messenger of Allah said, "Musa (Moses) asked his Rubb: 'Who amongst the inhabitants of Jannah will be the lowest in rank?' He said: 'It will be a person who will be admitted into Jannah last of all when all the dwellers of Jannah have entered Jannah. It will be said to him: Enter Jannah. But he will say: O my Rubb! How should I enter while the people have settled in their apartments and taken their shares? It will be said to him: Will you be satisfied and pleased if you have a kingdom like that of a monarch of the world? He will say: I will be content, my Rubb. Allah will say: For you is that, and like that and like that and like that and like that. He will say at the fifth time: I am well-pleased, my Rubb. Allah will say: It is for you and ten times more like it. You will have whatever your soul desires and whatever your eyes could delight in. He will say: I am well-pleased, my Rubb.' Musa said: 'Who will be of the highest rank in Jannah.' Allah said: 'They are those whom I chose and I established their honour with My Own Hand. I attest with My Seal that they will be blessed with such bounties as no eye has seen, no ear has heard and no human mind has perceived."'[Muslim].

وعن المغيرة بن شعبة رضي الله عنه عن رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم قال‏:‏ ‏ "‏سأل موسى صلى الله عليه وسلم ربه، ما أدنى أهل الجنة منزلة ‏؟‏ قال‏:‏ هو رجل يجيء بعد ما أدخل أهل الجنة-الجنة، فيقال له ‏:‏ ادخل الجنة، فيقول‏:‏ أي رب كيف وقد نزل الناس منازلهم، وأخذوا أخذاتهم‏؟‏ فيقول له‏:‏ أترضى أن يكون لك مثل ملك ملك من ملوك الدنيا‏؟‏ فيقول‏:‏ رضيت رب فيقول‏:‏ لك ذلك ومثله ومثله ومثله ومثله، فيقول في الخامسة‏:‏ رضيت يا رب فيقول‏:‏ هذا لك وعشرة أمثاله، ولك ما اشتهيت نفسك، ولذت عينك، فيقول‏:‏ رضيت رب، قال رب فأعلاهم منزلة‏؟‏ قال‏:‏ أولئك الذين أردت؛ غرست كرامتهم بيدي، وختمت عليها، فلم تر عين، ولم تسمع أذن، ولم يخطر على قلب بشر‏" ‏ ‏(‏‏(‏رواه مسلم‏)‏‏)‏‏.‏
