Ahmed Deedat's Crucifixion Theory - A Muslim Perspective from Mohammed Bana

The Crucifixion of Christ: A Fact, not Fiction

« Gospel Truths Deliberately Suppressed by Deedat

For many years Ahmed Deedat has been promoting a theory that Jesus Christ was indeed crucified but was taken down alive from the cross. This theory was first promoted in his booklet "Was Christ Crucified?" and has recently been perpetuated in his new booklet "Crucifixion or Cruci-Fiction?" We have often remarked that Mr. Deedat has been promoting a Qadiani theory, approved only by the Ahmadiyya Movement which has been declared a non-Muslim minority sect in Pakistan. His theory must be deplored by true Christians and Muslims alike. Readers will be interested to know that the same opinion has been expressed by MOHAMMED BANA of Durban. He says of Deedats theory:

Mr. Deedat is fond of making lectures about other denominations but very seldom on Islam. He seems to have a fixed notion about Prophet Jesus' Crucifixion Theory. In his lectures he hardly gave the Islamic viewpoint or seldom the Christian viewpoint, thus confusing his audience. I believe he likes to make the Qadiyanis of this country very happy by mostly giving their viewpoint that Jesus after being put on the cross, swooned. Now why should Mr Deedat tell his audience that Jesus was put on the cross and he swooned because nowhere the Qur'an speaks that Jesus was put on the cross and he swooned. Mr. Deedat is the only person who can tell us whether he is preachhig either the Christian doctrine, the Muslim doctrine or the Qadiani doctrine?" [MOHAMMED BANA, "Allegations Confirmed", p. 3]

Mohammed Bana has rightly endorsed our complaint that the crucifixion booklets published by Mr. Deedat are contrary to the teaching of both the Bible and the Qur'an and should be rejected by Christians and Muslims alike.