Answering the Trinity

The Trinity is a beautiful and foundational doctrine in Christianity. Yet it can be a hard concept to explain to our Muslim friends and often is something we try to avoid when getting into conversation. This is especially true when it comes to conversations with Muslims who have been taught how to get Christians into a muddle by using verses that are difficult to explain. The Trinity however is foundational to our understanding of who God is, and is therefore an important topic to be able to defend well. While at first appearance explaining the Trinity can seem daunting, there are some simple approaches that will help us when engaging with our Muslim friends.

The word “Trinity” doesn’t have to be in the Bible for it to be true

coming soon Often Muslims will object to the fact that the term Trinity is not found in the Bible. Interestingly the term Muslims use for the oneness of God, Tawhid, isn't found in the Quran. »

Developing thought, developing doctrine

coming soon Muslims claim that the doctrine of the Trinity invaented long after Jesus. However the development of the doctrine of the Trinity was always the presentation and defence of the same Bible truths in light of developing thought and errors that arose in the first few centuries after Jesus. »