Defending the Crucifixion

Since Jesus walked the earth around two thousand years ago, it seems strange that the question of his death should spark so much debate today. Why does it matter whether Jesus died, or how this took place? The claim that Jesus was tortured, stripped naked and hung to die on a cross, for Muslims raised the question, why would Allah allow this shameful thing to happen to one of his most honoured prophets? Having grown up under the authority of the Qur’an, Muslims may instinctively repeat its statement regarding Jesus, that “they did not kill him, they did not crucify him” (Quran 4.157). There are a number of ways that we might show our Muslim friends why the cross both necessary theological but importantly, rooted in history.

History attests that Jesus was crucified

coming soon Leaving the eye witness accounts of the disciples of Jesus to one side, the crucifixion of Jesus is confirmed as an historical event by many first century historians. »

The crucifixion is rooted in the Old Testament

coming soon The Old Testament Scriptures from beginning to end foresee the Messiah as one who will provide salvation by suffering, dying and rising from the dead. »

Jesus himself said he would die on a number of occasions before the crucifixion

coming soon Jesus himself explicitly told his disciples on a number of occasions that he was going to be crucified, die and rise from the death. »

The cross has been a central doctrine for Christian for 2000 years

coming soon The death of Jesus has been central in the teachings of the original followers of Jesus, the church Father's and for all Christians throughout history »

If Jesus was made to appear crucified, that makes Allah deceptive

coming soon the Quran (Quran 4:157) states that at the Crucifixion, it was made to appear that Jesus was crucified. This raises serious questions about the character of Allah. Why would he feel the need to deceive Jesus' family and closest friends? »

The Quran's account of the crucifixion was based on a Gnostic heresy

coming soon The account given by the Quran that at the crucifixion another 'was made to resemble' Jesus, was an idea from the writings of Gnostic heretics many years before the Quran and would have been an idea in circulation at the time of Muhammed.  »

Shameful sin requires shameful solution

coming soon Many Muslims raise the objection that if Jesus was a unique prophet sent from God, such a shameful death would be impossible. The shame of the cross however, makes perfect sense when we consider how shameful our sin is in God's eyes. »