Quran 10:37 Translations

Yunus (Jonah) 10:37

وَمَا كَانَ هَذَا الْقُرْآنُ أَنْ يُفْتَرَى مِنْ دُونِ اللَّهِ وَلَكِنْ تَصْدِيقَ الَّذِي بَيْنَ يَدَيْهِ وَتَفْصِيلَ الْكِتَابِ لَا رَيْبَ فِيهِ مِنْ رَبِّ الْعَالَمِينَ


Wama kana hatha alquranu an yuftara min dooni Allahi walakin tasdeeqa allathee bayna yadayhi watafseela alkitabi la rayba feehi min rabbi alAAalameena

Ahmad Ali

This Qur'an is not such (a writ) as could be composed by anyone but God. It confirms what has been revealed before, and is an exposition of (Heaven's) law. Without any doubt it's from the Lord of all the worlds.

Ali Qarai

This Quran could not have been fabricated by anyone besides Allah; rather, it is a confirmation of what was [revealed] before it, and an elaboration of the Book, there is no doubt in it, from the Lord of all the worlds.

Amhad Khan

And this noble Qur’an is not such that anyone can invent it, without Allah revealing it – but it surely is a confirmation of the Books preceding it and is an explanation of all that is written on the (preserved) tablet – there is no doubt in it – it is from the Lord Of The Creation.


This Koran could not have been forged apart from God; but it is a confirmation of what is before it, and a distinguishing of the Book, wherein is no doubt, from the Lord of all Being.

Corpus Quran

And not is this the Quran, that (it could be) produced by other than Allah, but (it is) a confirmation (of that) which (was) before it and a detailed explanation (of) the Book, (there is) no doubt in it, from (the) Lord (of) the worlds.


And this Qur'an is not such as could be fabricated as against Allah. But it is a confirmation of that a which is before it, and and a d etailing of the Decree, whereof there is no doubt, from the Lord of the worlds.

Hilali & Khan

And this Quran is not such as could ever be produced by other than Allah (Lord of the heavens and the earth), but it is a confirmation of (the revelation) which was before it [i.e. the Taurat (Torah), and the Injeel (Gospel), etc.], and a full explanation of the Book (i.e. laws and orders, etc, decreed for mankind) - wherein there is no doubt from the the Lord of the 'Alamin (mankind, jinns, and all that exists).


And this Qur'an is such that it could not be composed by any unless it be revealed from Allah. It is a confirmation of the revelation made before it and a detailed exposition of the Book. Beyond doubt it is from the Lord of the universe.

Muhammad Sarwar

No one could have composed this Quran besides God. This confirms the existing Book (the Bible) and explains itself. There is no doubt that it is from the Lord of the Universe.

Muhammad Shakir

And this Quran is not such as could be forged by those besides Allah, but it is a verification of that which is before it and a clear explanation of the book, there is no doubt in it, from the Lord of the worlds.


And this Qur'an is not such as could ever be invented in despite of Allah; but it is a confirmation of that which was before it and an exposition of that which is decreed for mankind - Therein is no doubt - from the Lord of the Worlds.


This Koran could not have been forged by other than Allah. It confirms what was before it; a distinguishing Book, in which there is no doubt, from the Lord of all the worlds.

Sahih Intl

And it was not [possible] for this Qur'an to be produced by other than Allah, but [it is] a confirmation of what was before it and a detailed explanation of the [former] Scripture, about which there is no doubt, from the Lord of the worlds.

Talal Itani

This Quran could not have been produced by anyone other than God. In fact, it is a confirmation of what preceded it, and an elaboration of the Book. There is no doubt about it—it is from the Lord of the Universe.

Wahihuddin Khan

This Quran is not such as could have been produced by anyone but God. It fulfills that [the predictions] which came before it and gives a fuller explanation of the [earlier] Revelations. There is no doubt about it: it is from the Lord of the Universe.

Yusuf Ali

This Qur'an is not such as can be produced by other than Allah; on the contrary it is a confirmation of (revelations) that went before it, and a fuller explanation of the Book - wherein there is no doubt - from the Lord of the worlds.