Quran 4:87 Translations

An-Nisa (the Women) 4:87

اللَّهُ لَا إِلَهَ إِلَّا هُوَ لَيَجْمَعَنَّكُمْ إِلَى يَوْمِ الْقِيَامَةِ لَا رَيْبَ فِيهِ وَمَنْ أَصْدَقُ مِنَ اللَّهِ حَدِيثًا


Allahu la ilaha illa huwa layajmaAAannakum ila yawmi alqiyamati la rayba feehi waman asdaqu mina Allahi hadeethan

Ahmad Ali

God: There is no god but He. He will gather you together on the Day of Resurrection which is certain to come; and whose word is truer than God's?

Ali Qarai

Allah—there is no god except Him—will surely gather you on the Day of Resurrection, in which there is no doubt; and who is more truthful in speech than Allah?

Amhad Khan

Allah! There is none worthy of worship except Him; He will surely gather you all on the Day of Resurrection in which there is no doubt; and whose Words are more true than those of Allah? (Allah does not lie.)


God -- there is no god but He. He will surely gather you to the Resurrection Day, no doubt of it. And who is truer in tidings than God?

Corpus Quran

Allah - (there is) no god except Him, surely He will gather you to (the) Day (of) Resurrection - no doubt about it. And who (is) more truthful than Allah (in) statement.


Allah! there is no god but he. Surely He shall gather you together on the Day of Resurrecticn, whereof there is no doubt; and who is more truthful than Allah in discourse?

Hilali & Khan

Allah! La ilaha illa Huwa (none has the right to be worshipped but He). Surely, He will gather you together on the Day of Resurrection about which there is no doubt. And who is truer in statement than Allah?


There is no god but Allah. He will certainly gather you all together on the Day of Resurrection - the Day regarding which there can be no doubt. Whose word can be truer than Allah's?

Muhammad Sarwar

God exists. He is the only Lord. He will gather you all together on the Day of Judgment which will certainly come. Who is more truthful than God?

Muhammad Shakir

Allah, there is no god but He-- He will most certainly gather you together on the resurrection day, there is no doubt in it; and who is more true in word than Allah?


Allah! There is no Allah save Him. He gathereth you all unto a Day of Resurrection whereof there is no doubt. Who is more true in statement than Allah?


Allah, there is no god except He. He will gather you to the Resurrection Day, there is no doubt in it. And who is truer in statement than Allah?

Sahih Intl

Allah - there is no deity except Him. He will surely assemble you for [account on] the Day of Resurrection, about which there is no doubt. And who is more truthful than Allah in statement.

Talal Itani

God—there is no god except He. He will gather you to the Day of Resurrection, in which there is no doubt. And who speaks more truly than God?

Wahihuddin Khan

He is God: there is no deity other than Him. He will gather you all together on the Day of Resurrection, there is no doubt about it. Whose word can be truer than God's?

Yusuf Ali

Allah! There is no god but He: of a surety He will gather you together against the Day of Judgment, about which there is no doubt. And whose word can be truer than Allah's?