
An overview of the events around the formation and development of Christianity and Islam including key sources.

Filter All Old Testament New Testament Christianity Bible Heresies Christian Councils Islam Qur'an Hadith and Biographies Crusades Other History
1500 BC
Old TestamentJob laments of humanity's broken relationship with God: "If only there were someone to mediate between us"Job 9:33There is no umpire between us, that might lay his hand on us both.
1450 BC
Old TestamentThe Genesis creation account: "let us make man in our image" (1:26); the prophesy of Adam's offspring who would be stricken by Satan, but ultimately defeat him (3:15)Genesis 1:26God said, “Let’s make man in our image, after our likeness. Let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the birds of the sky, and over the livestock, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth.”
1420 BC
Old TestamentThe Shema: 'Hear O Israel, Yahweh is one'Deuteronomy 6:5-6You shall love the LORD your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your might. These words, which I command you today, shall be on your heart;
1407 BC
Old TestamentMoses diesDeuteronomy 34:1-8Moses went up from the plains of Moab to Mount Nebo, to the top of Pisgah, that is opposite Jericho. The LORD showed him all the land of Gilead to Dan, and all Naphtali, and the land of Ephraim and Manasseh, and all the land of Judah, to the Western Sea, and the south, and the Plain of the valley of Jericho the city of palm trees, to Zoar. The LORD said to him, “This is the land which I swore to Abraham, to Isaac, and to Jacob, saying, ‘I will give it to your offspring.’ I have caused you to see it with your eyes, but you shall not go over there.” So Moses the servant of the LORD died there in the land of Moab, according to the LORD’s word. He buried him in the valley in the land of Moab opposite Beth Peor, but no man knows where his tomb is to this day. Moses was one hundred and twenty years old when he died. His eye was not dim, nor his strength gone. The children of Israel wept for Moses in the plains of Moab thirty days, until the days of weeping in the mourning for Moses were ended.
1000 BC
Old TestamentDavid and others compose Messianic Psalms, prophesying of a future Anointed One: the Messiah ('Christ' in Greek) (see Psalms 2, 22, 69, 72, 100)Psalms 2Why do the nations rage, and the peoples plot a vain thing? The kings of the earth take a stand, and the rulers take counsel together, against the LORD, and against his Anointed, saying, “Let’s break their bonds apart, and cast their cords from us.” He who sits in the heavens will laugh. The Lord will have them in derision. Then he will speak to them in his anger, and terrify them in his wrath: “Yet I have set my King on my holy hill of Zion.” I will tell of the decree: The LORD said to me, “You are my son. Today I have become your father. Ask of me, and I will give the nations for your inheritance, the uttermost parts of the earth for your possession. You shall break them with a rod of iron. You shall dash them in pieces like a potter’s vessel.” Now therefore be wise, you kings. Be instructed, you judges of the earth. Serve the LORD with fear, and rejoice with trembling. Give sincere homage to the Son, lest he be angry, and you perish on the way, for his wrath will soon be kindled. Blessed are all those who take refuge in him.
930 BC
Old TestamentIsrael's kingdom divides1 Kings 12:19So Israel rebelled against David’s house to this day.
750 BC
Old TestamentAmos prophesies of Israel's coming Messiah
750 BC
Old TestamentThe 'Sign of Jonah', who is raised from the sea after three days
700 BC
Old TestamentIsaiah writes of the Suffering Servant
700 BC
Old TestamentMicah prophecies about Israel's shepherd Messiah to come
600 BC
Old TestamentJeremiah prophesies of a day when God would write the Law on the hearts of his people
600 BC
Old TestamentJoel prophesies a day when God will pour out his Spirit on all peoples
597 BC
Old TestamentIsrael's Babylonian exile begins
590 BC
Old TestamentEzekiel prophecies of a day when the covenant would be restored in Israel, and it would be said, 'The Lord is there'
538 BC
Old TestamentIsrael's return from captivity
535 BC
Old TestamentZechariah prophesies Israel's promised Messiah King
530 BC
Old TestamentDaniel prophesies of a divine figure, 'the Son of Man'
434 BC
Old TestamentMalachi prophesies of the Sun of Righteousness
192 BC
Other HistoryGraeco-Roman wars begin
4 BC
ChristianityJesus is born
1 AD
ChristianityEvidence of the Nazareth tombs (Matthew 2:23, Mark 1:9, Acts 2:22)
3 AD
ChristianityEvidence of The Pool of Siloam (John 9:7)
14 AD
ChristianityThe Roman Emperor, Caesar Augustus, dies
33 AD
New TestamentJesus is crucified, and raised
34 AD
New TestamentFirst churches established
34 AD
New TestamentStephen is martyred
34 AD
New TestamentPaul, a former Pharisee and persecutor of Christians, becomes a follower of Jesus
37 AD
ChristianityEvidence of Pilate: The Pilate Stone - Prefect Inscription (Luke 3:1, Acts 4:27, 1 Tim 6:13)
45 AD
BiblePaul begins writing epistlesBefore 50
46 AD
ChristianityPaul's first missionary journey
49 AD
ChristianityClaudius expels Jews from Rome because of the Christian controversyOr 52
54 AD
ChristianityEvidence of The Nazareth Decree by Emperor Claudius (Matt. 28:12-13)
55 AD
BiblePaul records an early creed detailing the good news as he received it at his conversion (1 Corinthians 15:3-5)
55 AD
BiblePaul writes in Colossians (1:15) that Christ is Creator and the Son
61 AD
ChristianityJames, brother of Jesus, is martyred
63 AD
BibleHebrews describes the eternal Christ, our Creator and 'the mediator of a new covenant'
64 AD
ChristianityPaul and Peter MartyredBefore 68
65 AD
BibleMark's Gospel
66 AD
ChristianityJewish revolt in Judaea sparks the Roman-Jewish War
70 AD
BibleActs of the Apostles
70 AD
ChristianityDestruction of Jerusalem
70 AD
ChristianityFlight to PellaAccording to Eusebius' Church History 3, 5, 3
70 AD
BibleGospels of Matthew and Luke/Acts
85 AD
BibleJohn writes of Jesus, "the only-begotten Son" (3:16)
90 AD
BibleRevelation is written
93 AD
ChristianityJewish-Roman historian Josephus writes of Jesus in his Antiquities 18When Pilate, upon hearing him accused by men of the highest standing amongst us, had condemned him to be crucified, those who had in the first place come to love him did not give up their affection for him. ... And the tribe of the Christians, so called after him, has still to this day not disappeared.” 
93 AD
ChristianityJewish-Roman historian Josephus writes of Jesus in his Antiquities 20the Sanhedrin and brought before them a man named James, the brother of Jesus who was called the Christ, and certain others. He accused them of having transgressed the law and delivered them up to be stoned.
95 AD
ChristianityJohn dies
96 AD
ChristianityClement's first letter describes Jesus 'whose blood was given for us'Let us fear the Lord Jesus [Christ], whose blood was given for us. (1Clem 21:6)
96 AD
Christianity1 Clement
100 AD
100 AD
BibleMara Bar Serapion, a pagan philosopher, writes of Jesus, Israel's 'wise king'What advantage did the Athenians gain from putting Socrates to death? Famine and plague came upon them as a judgment for their crime. What advantage did the men of Samon gain from burning Pythagoras? In a moment their land was covered with sand. What advantage did the Jews gain from executing their wise king? It was just after that their kingdom was abolished. God justly avenged these three wise men: the Athenians died of hunger; the Samians were overwhelmed by the sea; the Jews, ruined and driven from their land, live in dispersion. But Socrates did not die for good; he lived on in the statue of Hera. Nor did the wise king die for good; he lived on in the teaching which he had given.
100 AD
BiblePapyrus 104, an extant NT manuscriptDated between 100-200
100 AD
BiblePapyrus 98Dated between 100-200
100 AD
ChristianityTacitus describes persecution of Christians after the Fire of Rome in AD 64But all human efforts, all the lavish gifts of the emperor, and the propitiations of the gods, did not banish the sinister belief that the conflagration was the result of an order. Consequently, to get rid of the report, Nero fastened the guilt and inflicted the most exquisite tortures on a class hated for their abominations, called Christians by the populace. Christus, from whom the name had its origin, suffered the extreme penalty during the reign of Tiberius at the hands of one of our procurators, Pontius Pilatus, and a most mischievous superstition, thus checked for the moment, again broke out not only in Judæa, the first source of the evil, but even in Rome, where all things hideous and shameful from every part of the world find their centre and become popular. Accordingly, an arrest was first made of all who pleaded guilty; then, upon their information, an immense multitude was convicted, not so much of the crime of firing the city, as of hatred against mankind. (Annals, 15.44)
100 AD
ChristianityThe Didache describes JesusWe thank you, our Father, for the holy vine of your son David, which you have made known to us through your son Jesus; to you be the glory forever.
107 AD
ChristianityIgnatius' letters
110 AD
BiblePapias writes of authority of the four gospels"And the elder used to say this, Mark became Peter’s interpreter and wrote accurately all that he remembered, not, indeed, in order, of the things said and done by the Lord. For he had not heard the Lord, nor had followed him, but later on, followed Peter, who used to give teaching as necessity demanded but not making, as it were, an arrangement of the Lord’s oracles, so that Mark did nothing wrong in thus writing down single points as he remembered them. For to one thing he gave attention, to leave out nothing of what he had heard and to make no false statements in them." (Papias, “Interpretation of the Oracles of the Lord”)
110 AD
ChristianityIgnatius writes of the 'only-begotten Son' of God"But our Physician is the only true God, the unbegotten and unapproachable, the Lord of all, the Father and Begetter of the only-begotten Son. We have also as a Physician the Lord our God, Jesus the Christ, the only-begotten Son and Word, before time began, but who afterwards became also man, of Mary the virgin. For 'the Word was made flesh.'" (To the Ephesians, ch.7)
111 AD
ChristianityPliny the Younger, a pagan Roman senator, writes to the Emperor Trajan about Jesus, and the Christians who sang "a hymn to Christ as to a god"“They were accustomed to meet on a fixed day before dawn and sing responsively a hymn to Christ as to a god.” (Letters, 10.96)
121 AD
ChristianitySuetonius recalls Claudius' expulsion of Christian Jews from Rome in AD49"As the Jews were making constant disturbances at the instigation of Chrestus [i.e. Christus/Christ], he [Claudius] expelled them from Rome." (Life of Claudius, 25.4)
130 AD
ChristianityConversion of Justin Martyr
140 AD
ChristianityMarcion arrives at Rome
145 AD
HeresiesInfancy Gospel of James
155 AD
ChristianityJustin Martyr writes of Jesus as God"Our teacher of these things is Jesus Christ, who also was born for this purpose, and was crucified under Pontius Pilate, procurator of Judæa, in the times of Tiberius Cæsar; and that we reasonably worship Him, having learned that He is the Son of the true God Himself, and holding Him in the second place, and the prophetic Spirit in the third, we will prove. For they proclaim our madness to consist in this, that we give to a crucified man a place second to the unchangeable and eternal God, the Creator of all; for they do not discern the mystery that is herein, to which, as we make it plain to you, we pray you to give heed." (First Apology, ch.13)
155 AD
ChristianityJustin Martyr's First Apology
155 AD
ChristianityPolycarp martyred
165 AD
ChristianityLucian of Samosata, a playwright, mocks the Christians"These deluded creatures, you see, have persuaded themselves that they are immortal and will live forever, which explains the contempt of death and willing self-sacrifice so common among them. It was impressed on them too by their lawgiver that from the moment they are converted, deny the gods of Greece, worship the crucified sage, and live after his laws, they are all brothers. They take his instructions completely on faith, with the result that they despise all worldly goods and hold them in common ownership." (Passing of Peregrinus)
165 AD
HeresiesMontanism emerges
170 AD
HeresiesMuratorian Canon
175 AD
HeresiesInfancy Gospel of Thomas
175 AD
BiblePapyrus 46, an extant NT CodexDated between 175-225
175 AD
BiblePapyrus 90, an extant NT manuscriptLate second century
177 AD
ChristianityIrenaeus becomes bishop of Lyon
180 AD
ChristianityIrenaeus' Against Heresies identifies Christ as God, and the treasure of Scripture"...but the treasure hid in the Scriptures is Christ, since He was pointed out by means of types and parables. Hence His human nature could not be understood, prior to the consummation of those things which had been predicted, that is, the advent [incarnation] of Christ. And therefore it was said to Daniel the prophet: Shut up the words, and seal the book even to the time of consummation, until many learn, and knowledge be completed. For at that time, when the dispersion shall be accomplished, they shall know all these things. Daniel 12:4, 7 But Jeremiah also says, In the last days they shall understand these things. Jeremiah 23:20 For every prophecy, before its fulfilment, is to men [full of] enigmas and ambiguities. But when the time has arrived, and the prediction has come to pass, then the prophecies have a clear and certain exposition. And for this reason, indeed, when at this present time the law is read to the Jews, it is like a fable; for they do not possess the explanation of all things pertaining to the advent of the Son of God, which took place in human nature; but when it is read by the Christians, it is a treasure, hid indeed in a field, but brought to light by the cross of Christ..." (Against Heresies, Book IV, ch.26)
197 AD
ChristianityTertullian converts
200 AD
BibleBodmer PapyriA collection of Christian and pagan writings, the oldest from around 200
202 AD
ChristianitySeverus forbids conversions
203 AD
ChristianityPerpetua and Felicitas martyred
225 AD
BibleChester Beatty PapyriLate second to early third century
230 AD
ChristianityOrigen moves to Palestine
235 AD
ChristianityDeath of Hippolytus
249 AD
ChristianityDecian persecution begins
254 AD
ChristianityDeath of Origen
257 AD
ChristianityValerian persecution
300 AD
BibleCodex BobiensisDated between 300-400
300 AD
BibleCodex Sinaiticus
300 AD
BibleCodex Vaticanus (the oldest intact Bible)
300 AD
BibleUncial 0171
303 AD
ChristianityDiocletian's Great Persecution begins
311 AD
ChristianityDiocletian's Great Persecution ends
313 AD
ChristianityChristianity legalised in the Roman Empire
325 AD
Christian CouncilsCouncil of Nicea
330 AD
BibleCodex Sinaiticus (the oldest intact New Testament)
336 AD
ChristianityFirst recorded celebration of Christmas Feast (and Sol Invictus) in Rome
379 AD
ChristianityFirst December Christmas feast at Constantinople
380 AD
ChristianityChristianity adopted as the Roman Imperial religion
388 AD
ChristianityFirst December Christmas feast at Antioch
397 AD
ChristianityAugustine's Confessions
500 AD
HeresiesArabic infancy gospel
550 AD
570 AD
IslamMuhammad is born
595 AD
IslamMuhammad marries his first wife, KhadijaKhadija is 40, and Muhammad is 25.
596 AD
ChristianityGregory The Great launches a mission to Britain
600 AD
ChristianityEastern and Western Rome are largely 'Christianised'
610 AD
Qur'anMuhammad claims his first Quranic revelation
617 AD
IslamMuhammad engaged to Aisha
620 AD
IslamMuhammad marries AishaAisha is 9, and Muhammad is 50.
622 AD
IslamStart of the Islamic Calendar [1AH]The first year of the Islamic calendar, coinciding with when Muhammad migrated to Medina, and the Islamic community began to win significant victories.
624 AD
(2 AH)
IslamBattle of Badr
625 AD
(3 AH)
IslamMuhammad marries HafsaHafsa is 20, and Muhammad is 55.
626 AD
(4 AH)
IslamMuhammad marries Umm Salama
626 AD
(4 AH)
IslamMuhammad marries Rayhana
627 AD
(5 AH)
IslamBattle of the TrenchThis is followed shortly after by the massacre of Jewish prisoners of the Banu Quraysh.
627 AD
(5 AH)
IslamMuhammad marries ZaynabZaynab is 36, and Muhammad is 57.
627 AD
(5 AH)
IslamMuhammad marries JuwayriyyaJuwayriyya is 20, and Muhammad is 57.
628 AD
(6 AH)
IslamMuhammad marries Safiyya (19)Safiyya is 19, and Muhammad is 58.
629 AD
(7 AH)
IslamMuhammad's armies conquer the Jewish settlement of Khaybar
629 AD
(7 AH)
IslamMuhammad marries Umm Habiba (30)Umm Habiba is 30, and Muhammad is 59.
629 AD
(7 AH)
IslamMuhammad marries Maria
629 AD
(7 AH)
IslamMuhammad marries MaymunaMaymuna is 28, and Muhammad is 59.
630 AD
(8 AH)
IslamConquest of Mecca
632 AD
(10 AH)
IslamMuhammad dies
632 AD
(10 AH)
IslamAbu Bakr becomes Caliph
632 AD
(10 AH)
IslamRashidun Caliphate
632 AD
(10 AH)
IslamWars of Apostasy begin
634 AD
(12 AH)
IslamChristian and Jewish writers begin to write reports of the 'Saracen' conquests
634 AD
(12 AH)
IslamUmar al-Khattab becomes Caliph
636 AD
(14 AH)
IslamBattle of Yarmuk
636 AD
(14 AH)
IslamConquest of Iraq and Persia begins (-646)
637 AD
(15 AH)
IslamDamascus surrendered
638 AD
(16 AH)
IslamJerusalem surrendered
642 AD
(20 AH)
IslamAlexandria and Egypt surrender
644 AD
(22 AH)
IslamUthman becomes Caliph
647 AD
(25 AH)
IslamTunisia raided
650 AD
(28 AH)
Qur'anCaliph Uthman orders compilation of an 'authorised' Qur'an, with variant versions burned
656 AD
(34 AH)
IslamSunni-Shia split begins (-661)
656 AD
(34 AH)
IslamAli ibn Abi Talib becomes Caliph
661 AD
(39 AH)
IslamAli murdered
661 AD
(39 AH)
IslamMu'awiya of Damascus defeats Ali
661 AD
(39 AH)
IslamUmayyad Caliphate
669 AD
(47 AH)
Qur'anLower Sana'a manuscript (pre-Uthmanic) (earliest date)Earliest date: 632
669 AD
(47 AH)
Qur'anQur'an: Birmingham manuscript 328(c)Earliest date: 578. 18 leaves, 2 of which were found in 2015.
670 AD
(48 AH)
IslamHassan ibn Ali mudered
675 AD
(53 AH)
Qur'anQur'an: Tubingen FragmentEarliest date: 649 (Suras 17:36-36:56)
680 AD
(58 AH)
IslamHussain ibn Ali killed at Battle of Karbala
691 AD
(69 AH)
IslamJerusalem's Dome of the Rock completed under Caliph Abd Al-Malik
700 AD
(78 AH)
Qur'anQur'an: Birmingham manuscript 328 (ab) - approximate date (C7-8)118 folios (45% of today's Qur'an). (Suras 10:35-11:95; 20:99-23:11, parts of suras 18-20)
700 AD
(78 AH)
Qur'anUpper Sana'a manuscript (mostly Uthmanic)82 folios, or about 50% of today's Qur'an. Contains 17 page variants which deviate from Cairo Qur'an. "Although the suras of the lower text do not follow the canonical order and have many additional words and phrases, nevertheless, with only two exceptions, within each sura, the surviving lower text presents the same verses as the standard Qur'an and in exactly the same order – the exceptions being in sura 20, where Sadeghi and Goudarzi find that verses 31 and 32 are transposed, and in sura 9, where Sadeghi and Goudarzi find that the whole of verse 85 is absent."
711 AD
(89 AH)
IslamArmies reach Indus River (Sindh, Pakistan)
711 AD
(89 AH)
IslamMoors cross into Spain
711 AD
(89 AH)
IslamTariq crosses from Gibraltar into Spain
732 AD
(110 AH)
IslamBattle of Tours
750 AD
(128 AH)
IslamAbbasid Caliphate
750 AD
(128 AH)
Qur'anQur'an: Topkapi manuscript (Kufic) - approximate date
765 AD
(143 AH)
Hadith and BiographiesIbn Ishaq's writes Life of Muhammad (biography)
795 AD
(173 AH)
Hadith and BiographiesMuwatta Malik hadith (Kutub al Sittah - disputed)
833 AD
(211 AH)
Hadith and BiographiesIbn Hisham writes Sirat Rasul Allah (biography)
855 AD
(233 AH)
Qur'anQur'an: Samarkand (Kufic)Earliest date: 795
870 AD
(248 AH)
Hadith and BiographiesAl Bukhari hadith (Kutub al Sittah)
875 AD
(253 AH)
Hadith and BiographiesAl Muslim hadith (Kutub al Sittah)
883 AD
(261 AH)
Hadith and BiographiesTafsir al Tabari
887 AD
(265 AH)
Hadith and Biographiesibn Majah hadith (Kutub al Sittah - disputed)
888 AD
(266 AH)
Hadith and BiographiesAbu Dawud hadith (Kutub al Sittah)
892 AD
(270 AH)
Hadith and BiographiesAl Tirmidhi hadith (Kutub al Sittah)
900 AD
(278 AH)
IslamTraders crossing into West Africa and settling in coastal East Africa
909 AD
(287 AH)
IslamFatimid Caliphate
915 AD
(293 AH)
Hadith and BiographiesAl Sughra [Al Nasa'i's] hadith (Kutub al Sittah)
923 AD
(301 AH)
Hadith and BiographiesAl Tabari, Baidawi and Zamakshari write tafsir
929 AD
(307 AH)
IslamUmayyad Caliphate of Cordoba
969 AD
(347 AH)
IslamCairo founded as centre of Fatimid dynasty and Islam
1009 AD
(387 AH)
IslamAl-Hakim destroys the Holy Sepulchre
1023 AD
(401 AH)
CrusadesKnights of St John
1054 AD
(432 AH)
IslamAlmoravids of Mauritania conquer Ghana north of the river Niger
1060 AD
(438 AH)
IslamReconquista begins
1071 AD
(449 AH)
IslamBattle of Manzikert
1077 AD
(455 AH)
CrusadesSeljuk Turks control the Holy Land
1095 AD
(473 AH)
CrusadesUrban II calls for Crusade at Clermont
1096 AD
(474 AH)
CrusadesCrusaders capture Jerusalem
1096 AD
(474 AH)
CrusadesThe First Crusade begins
1145 AD
(523 AH)
CrusadesSecond Crusade begins1149
1147 AD
(525 AH)
IslamAlmohad Caliphate
1169 AD
(547 AH)
IslamSaladin takes Jerusalem
1187 AD
(565 AH)
IslamSaladin takes Jerusalem
1189 AD
(567 AH)
CrusadesThird Crusade begins1192
1200 AD
(578 AH)
IslamIndonesia and Java come under Islam (-1300)
1202 AD
(580 AH)
CrusadesFourth Crusade
1206 AD
(584 AH)
IslamSultanate of Delhi established
1212 AD
(590 AH)
CrusadesChildren's Crusade
1217 AD
(595 AH)
CrusadesFifth, Sixth and Seventh Crusade1250
1220 AD
(598 AH)
IslamGenghis Khan and Mughals invade Persia
1250 AD
(628 AH)
IslamNorth India conquered under Mahmud of Ghazna
1258 AD
(636 AH)
IslamBaghdad destroyed
1261 AD
(639 AH)
IslamMamluk Sultanate
1291 AD
(669 AH)
CrusadesThe Crusades end
1291 AD
(669 AH)
IslamThe fall of Acre and end of Crusader rule
1373 AD
(751 AH)
Hadith and BiographiesIbn Kathir writes of Jesus' 'volunteer' on the cross
1396 AD
(774 AH)
CrusadesThe Last Crusade
1396 AD
(774 AH)
IslamTurks enter Eastern Europe
1453 AD
(831 AH)
IslamConstantinople falls to Ottoman Turks
1453 AD
(831 AH)
IslamTurks capture Constantinople
1492 AD
(870 AH)
IslamFall of Granada marks end of Muslim rule in Spain
1503 AD
(881 AH)
IslamPersia becomes Shi'ite
1517 AD
(895 AH)
IslamOttoman Caliphate
1518 AD
(896 AH)
Other HistoryMartin Luther posts the 95 theses
1526 AD
(904 AH)
IslamMughal Empire in North India
1529 AD
(907 AH)
IslamSiege of Vienna
1550 AD
(928 AH)
HeresiesThe Gospel of Barnabas
1565 AD
(943 AH)
IslamMalta repels Turkish attack
1683 AD
(1061 AH)
IslamVienna repels Turkish attack
1700 AD
(1078 AH)
IslamMuslim states in sub-Sahara
1702 AD
(1080 AH)
IslamShah Wali Allah born
1703 AD
(1081 AH)
IslamMuhammad ibn 'Abd al-Wahhab born
1755 AD
(1133 AH)
IslamYogyakarta Caliphate
1757 AD
(1135 AH)
Other HistoryBritish expansion in India begins
1780 AD
(1158 AH)
HeresiesKarl Friedrich Bahrdt develops an early 'swoon theory'
1792 AD
(1170 AH)
Other HistoryWilliam Carey begins ministry in India
1798 AD
(1176 AH)
Other HistoryNapoleon occupies Egypt
1800 AD
(1178 AH)
IslamJihad Wars bring West African Muslims into more strict adherence (-1880)
1804 AD
(1182 AH)
IslamSokoto Caliphate
1817 AD
(1195 AH)
IslamSayyid Ahmad Khan born
1833 AD
(1211 AH)
HeresiesOxford Movement begins (Tractarianism)
1839 AD
(1217 AH)
IslamJamal al-Din al Afghani born
1849 AD
(1227 AH)
IslamMuhammad 'Abduh born
1854 AD
(1232 AH)
ChristianityPfander debates at Agra, India
1857 AD
(1235 AH)
IslamIndian Mutiny and War of Independence
1873 AD
(1251 AH)
IslamMuhammad Iqbal born
1881 AD
(1259 AH)
Other HistoryBritain seizes Egypt after Urabi Revolution
1887 AD
(1265 AH)
HeresiesFriedrich Nietzsche mocks the idea of 'God on a cross'
1889 AD
(1267 AH)
IslamAhmadiyya sect founded
1900 AD
(1278 AH)
IslamAyatollah Khomeini born
1903 AD
(1281 AH)
IslamMawlana Abul A'la Mawdudi born
1906 AD
(1284 AH)
IslamHasan al-Banna born
1906 AD
(1284 AH)
IslamSayyid Qutb born
1910 AD
(1288 AH)
ChristianityEdinburgh Missionary Conference
1917 AD
(1295 AH)
Other HistoryGeneral Allenby enters Jerusalem
1918 AD
(1296 AH)
Other HistoryDefeat of Ottoman Turks
1919 AD
(1297 AH)
IslamKhilafat Movement
1924 AD
(1302 AH)
IslamOttoman Caliphate abolished
1924 AD
(1302 AH)
Qur'anQur'an: Cairo Edition
1924 AD
(1302 AH)
IslamSharifian Caliphate
1947 AD
(1325 AH)
BibleFirst dead sea scrolls discovered at Qumran
1948 AD
(1326 AH)
Other HistoryState of Israel established
1961 AD
(1339 AH)
ChristianityPilate Stone discovered
1990 AD
(1368 AH)
ChristianityCaiaphas' ossuary discovered
2003 AD
(1381 AH)
ChristianityOssuary of James, brother of Jesus, discoveredAlthough this ossuary dates to the first century, the Israeli Antiquities Authority questions the inscription, which some consider a later forgery
2015 AD
(1393 AH)
Qur'anDiscovery of 2 oldest leaves of Birmingham manuscript Qur'an