Promises from the Prophets


See also: Adem in the Qur'an »


God created Adam

God created Adam (Genesis 1:26-30; Genesis 2:7-8, Genesis 2:15-17). The Bible begins with the book of Genesis, the first book of the Torah (Tawrat). Genesis begins by describing God's creation of the universe, and animals to live in it, God called His creation 'good' (Genesis 1:4, Genesis 1:10, Genesis 1:12, Genesis 1:18, Genesis 1:21, Genesis 1:25, Genesis 1:31). Last of all, God created people. They were made in his likeness, to reflect something of His own authority and relational character. After creating people, God called his creation 'very good' (Genesis 1:26-27, Genesis 1:31).

People were made for relationship with God

People were made for relationship with God (Acts 17:26-28). The Torah says God walked in the Garden of Eden, which He established on earth (Genesis 2:15, Genesis 3:8). Here, Adam ('man') and Eve ('woman') lived together. God wanted people, like the Garden, to bear all kinds of good fruit (Isaiah 5:1-7; Luke 3:8; John 15:5). In this perfect home, Adam and Eve were fully alive. Like royal children, they had all they needed. They knew God. They felt no shame (Genesis 2:25).

But people sinned against God

Adam and Eve rebelled against God. Though God gave them many trees to eat from, they knowingly ate from the one tree in the Garden which God had forbidden to them (Genesis 3:1-19). They listened to Satan's words and doubted God's words (Genesis 3:4-6, Genesis 3:13, Genesis 3:17).

Adam's sin was no small thing

Adam and Eve sinned against God, doubting him (Genesis 3:10-13). They arrogantly desired to be independent beings like God Himself, rather than submissive, obedient beings who depend on His love and grace (Genesis 3:2-5, Genesis 3:13). For this reason, God cast them out of his Garden, and subjected them to the curse of sin and death. They knew shame for the first time, and tried to hide from God, ashamed of their nakedness (Genesis 3:8-11, Genesis 3:22-24).

But God promised to provide a solution

He had slain a creature and used its body to create garments for Adam and Eve, to cover their shame (Genesis 3:21). God promised that one of their children would crush Satan, the Deceiver. Satan would strike him, but he would crush Satan under his feet (Genesis 3:15).

The LORD God made garments of animal skins for Adam and for his wife, and clothed them.


God made people to live in relationship with Him. But Adam's sin severed this relationship.

God wants us to be in His presence, just as Adam and Eve were before they committed sin. Sin did more than separate Adam and Eve from God’s presence. It also brought shame, guilt, and death upon all people.

God provided a temporary solution for the shame of Adam and Eve. He gave them animal skins to cover their shame and guilt. But God promised that something more permanent was coming: one day ‘the last Adam’ (1 Corinthians 15:45) would crush the Deceiver, Satan.


  • What was so bad about the sin of Adam and Eve?
  • Why did God provide animal skins to clothe them?