Promises from the Prophets


See also: Abraham in the Bible »


Allah challenged the idolaters through Ibrahim

Though Ibrahim was the son of an idolater, Azar, he challenged the idolatry of his people in the land of Ur (Quran 6.74, Quran 37.83-113, Quran 19.41-50, Bukhari 3350, Bukhari 3359). He even challenged Nimrud (Nimrod), a powerful king (Quran 2.258, Ibn Kathir 2.258, Jalalayn 2.258, Ibn Abbas 2.258, Ibn Abbas 16.26, Ibn Abbas 21.52). He was sentenced to death in a fiery furnace, but Allah miraculously spared him (Quran 21.62-69, Quran 29.24, Ibn Kathir 37.88-98).

Ibrahim was a Prophet, and the friend of Allah

Ibrahim was a Prophet, and the friend of Allah (Quran 4.125, Quran 19.41, Muslim 373, Muslim 380, Muslim 1083, , ). He was kind, compassionate and penitent (Quran 11.75). He received a book from Allah and called the people to Islam (Quran 2.132, Quran 3.67, Quran 4.125, Quran 6.83, Quran 21.51-73, Quran 29.16-27). He saw Jannah and met the Prophet Muhammad (Tirmidhi 48.93, Tirmidhi 47.3441, Bukhari 3342, Muslim 314).

Ibrahim received good tidings of a son, Ishaq

Ibrahim received good tidings of a son, Ishaq (Quran 11.71, Quran 37.112). Some angels promised Ibrahim a righteous son named Ishaq (Isaac), who would also be numbered among the prophets (Quran 37.112). After years of waiting, the boy was born, even to his elderly parents! At the angels' announcement of Ishaq, Ibrahim's wife Sara laughed with amazement (Quran 11.71).

Ibrahim also had another son in his old age, named Ismail

Ibrahim also had another son in his old age, named Ismail (Quran 19.54, Quran 21.85, Quran 38.48, Quran 14.39). Along with Ishaq, this son was a prophet and messenger of Allah. He was patient and righteous (Quran 21.85, Quran 38.48).

Allah tested Ibrahim

Ibrahim was delighted with his son. But Allah tested Ibrahim. In a dream, Ibrahim thought he heard Allah asking him to take his son and sacrifice him (Quran 37.102, Ibn Kathir 37.99, Bukhari 138, 1.12.818). It was a shocking command, but Ibrahim obediently prepared his son for sacrifice (Quran 37.103-107).

Allah gave a sacrifice in the place of Ibrahim's son

Allah gave a sacrifice in the place of Ibrahim's son (Quran 37.107, Ibn Kathir 37.107, Ibn Abbas 37.107, Jalalayn 37.107). When the son was tied, and ready to die, a voice called to Ibrahim, “Stop!” Allah had provided a great sacrifice to take the son's place and die on the altar. Ibrahim worshipped Allah (Quran 37.99-113, Ibn Kathir 37.99-113, Al-Tabari, 1, p.290).

16:123 Then We revealed to you, [O Muhammad], to follow the religion of Abraham, inclining toward truth; and he was not of those who associate with Allah.


Allah blessed Ibrahim with prophethood and a large family.

Ibrahim's son and heir was spared and became a father to many, because Allah provided a sacrifice in his place. The Bible promised another great sacrifice to come one day through the promised Messiah. But the Quran has a different emphasis. It honours Abraham as a monotheist who opposed idolaters of his day and established Islamic monotheism, much like the Prophet, Muhammad.

In Islam, the Festival of Sacrifice or Eid ul-Adha is celebrated once a year to commemorate Ibrahim’s willingness to sacrifice his own son when Allah ordered him. But Eid doesn’t make any connection with the theme of burnt offerings – animals sacrifices – as a way to atone for sins.


  • Why did Allah provide a sacrifice in his son's place?
  • Since the Quran commands Muslims to believe in the Tawrat, why does the Quran not mention animal sacrifice as way to atone for sins?