Promises from the Prophets

'Isa al Masih

See also: Jesus Messiah in the Bible »


'Isa al Masih (Jesus) was unique

'Isa al Masih (Jesus) was unique (Quran 19.19-23, Quran 3.45-46, Ibn Kathir 3.45-47, Ibn Kathir 66.12). He was born to the virgin Mariam under a palm tree in the desert after the birth of Yahya (Quran 66.12, Quran 19.19-23, Quran 19.30-33, Quran 5.75, Quran 5.110, Quran 4.156-172, Bukhari 3887, Ibn Kathir 3.45-47, Ibn Kathir 66.12). 'Isa was the only person Shaytan failed to touch in his mother's womb (Quran 66.12, Quran 21.91, Bukhari 3286). 'Isa was a teacher, healer and miracle-worker honoured in this world and the next. He opened blind eyes and healed lepers (Quran 19.30-33, Quran 3.45-46, Quran 5.110, Quran 43.57-64, Bukhari 3394, Bukhari 3395, Ibn Kathir 3.45-47). Even as a child he performed unique acts, speaking from the cot as a baby, and turning clay birds into living birds (Quran 3.45-46, Quran 5.110, Quran 19.29, Ibn Kathir 3.45-47, Ibn Kathir 4.155-159).

'Isa was al-Masih for the Children of Isra'il, a miracle worker

'Isa was al-Masih for the Children of Isra'il, a miracle worker (Quran 3.45-46, Quran 5.110, Quran 43.57-64, Ibn Kathir 4.155-159). We are told that 'Isa al-Masih confirms the Tawrat (Torah) (Quran 5.43-47). Tafsir authorities say 'Isa was only called Masih because he 'touched' (mash) those he healed (Ibn Kathir 3.45). He is honoured as a Word from Allah, the Spirit of Allah, and a sign for all peoples (Quran 21.91, Quran 19.30-33, Quran 19.19-21, Quran 5.110, Quran 4.156-172). But he was no more than a messenger of Allah. 'Isa cannot be the son of Allah, because it would be inappropriate for Allah to take a wife (Quran 2.116, Quran 5.75, Quran 4.171, Quran 10.98, Quran 19.30-35, Quran 21.26, Quran 4.156-172, Quran 39.4, Bukhari 3444).

Another person died in the place of 'Isa

Another person died in the place of 'Isa (Quran 4.156-172, Ibn Kathir 3.52-54, Ibn Kathir 4.155-159, Ibn Abbas 3.54, Ibn Abbas 4.157-158). Muslim scholars usually say that 'Isa al Masih asked a volunteer to die in his place, and the Quran is often interpreted as saying 'Isa never died on a cross (Quran 4.157-158). According to this majority view, another was transformed to resemble 'Isa (Quran 4.156-172, Ibn Kathir 3.52-54, Ibn Kathir 4.155-159, Ibn Abbas 4.157-158, Jalalayn 3.54).

'Isa al Masih escaped death

He was taken away by Allah before dying, and before his enemies could attack him (Quran 4.156-172, Ibn Kathir 3.52-54, Ibn Kathir 4.155-159, Ibn Abbas 3.54, Ibn Abbas 4.157-158, Jalalayn 3.54). Those who thought they saw 'Isa were mistaken, as Allah caused another to resemble 'Isa. Allah confused them, and made them kill 'Isa's volunteer instead (Quran 4.156-172, Ibn Kathir 3.52-54, Ibn Kathir 4.155-159, Ibn Abbas 3.54, Ibn Abbas 4.157-158). 'Isa did not die for others, because he did not die at all.

'Isa's message was preserved in the Injil

'Isa's message was preserved in the Injil. According to the Quran, the faithful must listen to this Injil (gospel) if they hope to enter Paradise (Quran 19.30-33, Quran 10.64-65, Quran 6.115, Quran 3.3-4, Quran 4.136-137, Quran 2.41, Quran 2.136).

'Isa commanded obedience

'Isa commanded obedience. He was a slave of Allah, awaiting the Seal of the Prophets, Muhammad (Quran 43.57-64, Quran 5.116, Quran 4.156-172, Bukhari 3442, Bukhari 5285). 'Isa healed people, but he could not forgive their sins (Quran 4.156-172). One day he will return to establish Islam everywhere, then he will die (Bukhari 2222, Bukhari 2476, Bukhari 3448, 4.55.658, AbuDawud 4310).

4:157 And [for] their saying, "Indeed, we have killed the Messiah, Jesus, the son of Mary, the messenger of Allah." And they did not kill him, nor did they crucify him; but [another] was made to resemble him to them. And indeed, those who differ over it are in doubt about it. They have no knowledge of it except the following of assumption. And they did not kill him, for certain.4:158 Rather, Allah raised him to Himself. And ever is Allah Exalted in Might and Wise.


The Quran seeks mainly to correct false ideas about Jesus.

Isa (Jesus) is a specially revered prophet of Islam, unique in his birth, miraculous works and ascension into heaven. According to Islam, Isa (Jesus) is special in many ways, but there are many aspects of his life (identity) and ministry (his message) went wrong. For example, he was believed to be the Son of God and seen by many – in his day and afterwards – as the crucified Messiah and saviour. He is extraordinary in many ways, but it seems that he is also the most misunderstood prophet.

The Injil (in the Bible) suggests that Jesus demonstrates God's faithfulness, because his promises found fulfilment in Jesus, the Messiah. But the Quran mainly draws attention to what went wrong with Jesus's teaching and identity, and sets out to correct these problems.