Promises from the Prophets


See also: Moses in the Bible »


Allah blessed the children of Ishaaq (Quran 37.113)

Trusted tafsir writings suggest that when these were living in Egypt, Firaun, ruler of Egypt, dreamed of fire coming from Jerusalem and burning all but the children of Isra'il in Egypt. (Ibn Kathir 2.49) Learning that a boy of Isra'il would overthrow him, he ordered the death of their firstborn sons (Quran 7.127, Quran 7.141, Quran 28.4, Quran 14.6).

Allah protected his servant Musa

Yukabid, wife of Imran, hid her baby in a box on the river. Musa was hidden from Firaun's soldiers (Quran 20.38-44, Quran 28.7-14). Allah arranged for him to be rescued from the waters by Firaun's daughter, Asiya, who persuaded Firaun to adopt him (Quran 26.18). But Firaun grew to fear the boy. As an adult, Musa killed an enemy of his people, and said this was the doing of Shaytan (Quran 28.15). He prayed, so Allah forgave him (Quran 28.16-17). Learning that the chiefs wanted him dead, he fled to Madyan (Quran 28.18-28).

Allah spoke to Musa

In the valley of Tuwa, Allah spoke from a burning tree, appointing Musa to confront Firaun: “Go to the Pharaoh as he has become exceedingly rebellious" (Quran 26.16, Quran 28.29-30, Quran 20.24, Quran 20.43). Musa asked for his brother Harun to go too. Allah agreed (Quran 19.51-53).

Musa performed nine signs to challenge Firaun's pride

Firaun set himself up as 'the Most High'. But with Allah's help, Musa performed signs with his staff and hand (Quran 17.101-104, Quran 11.96-97, Quran 79.24). In a contest with Firaun's magicians, he convinced the magicians to submit to Allah, saying “we believe in the Lord of Haroun and Musa!” (Quran 26.36-51, Quran 7.111-126, Quran 20.65-73) Firaun asked Haman to build a brick tower, to see if Musa's God could be found (Quran 28.38, Quran 40.36-37). Firaun and his folk kept disobeying Allah, so Allah drowned them in the sea (Quran 26.65-67, Quran 7.137, Quran 20.56-64, Quran 20.78-79).

Musa migrated with the children of Isra'il

Musa migrated with the children of Isra'il (Quran 7.138, Quran 10.90, Quran 17.104, Quran 20.77, Ibn Kathir 19.51-53, Al-Tabari, 3 (502), p.502.). After the destruction of Firaun, Musa took the children of Isra'il to dwell in their land (Quran 26.65-67, Quran 10.90-92, Quran 17.103). During the journey, God helped Musa to provide drinking water from a rock (Quran 7.160, Bukhari 1.5.277).

Through Musa, Allah gave Sharia for all people

Through Musa, Allah gave Sharia for all people (Quran 7.143-160, Quran 17.2). By following the Sharia of Allah, submitting to the books and rulings of Allah, they could know Allah's blessings, and be righteous: "Take what We have given you with determination and remember what is in it that perhaps you may become righteous" (Quran 20.82, Quran 2.63).

3:93 All food was lawful to the Children of Israel except what Israel had made unlawful to himself before the Torah was revealed. Say, [O Muhammad], "So bring the Torah and recite it, if you should be truthful."


Allah appointed Musa as a leader for the children of Israel.

Musa was empowered to perform great signs by Allah's permission, and he received a Book, the Tawrat, and a Law to instruct the people. The Quran warns that people must follow the guidance of Allah which has been given through his revelations, including the Tawrat (Torah) of Moses. This is why Allah said to Muhammad: “But why do they [the Jews] come to you for decision, when they have (their own) law before them?- therein is the (plain) command of Allah...” (Quran 5.43).