Promises from the Prophets

Allah's Promises

See also: God's Promises in the Bible »


'Isa al Masih pointed forward to Muhammad

'Isa al Masih pointed forward to Muhammad (Bukhari 3442, Ibn Kathir 5.72-75, 61.5-6, Ibn Kathir 5.46-47, Ibn Kathir 3.81, Ibn Kathir 26.196). Even as a baby, 'Isa insisted that he was only a human prophet, preaching the message of Islam (Quran 3.49-57, Quran 19.30-33, Quran 9.29-30, Quran 2.285, Quran 43.57-64). 'Isa did not point to himself, but to Allah, whose prophets promised Muhammad in the Tawrat and the Injil (Quran 9.29-30, Quran 5.116).

Muhammad, the Seal of the Prophets, calls us to Islam

Muhammad, the Seal of the Prophets, calls us to Islam. It is in the life of Muhammad that we have an excellent example for all humanity to follow (Quran 33.21, Quran 33.40). When we perform shahada, confessing faith in Allah and his final Prophet, and follow the righteous path of Muhammad, the sunnah, we can earn rewards on the Last Day. If Allah wills, we can return to Jannah (Quran 112.1-4, Quran 33.64-66, Quran 3.129, Quran 5.40, Quran 29.21, Quran 3.56-57).

The Prophet died, and so will we

The Prophet died, and so will we. Just as Muhammad died and will one day face judgment, so will we (Bukhari 5.59.713, Bukhari 4446, Bukhari 3169). Even the Prophet did not know how he would be received by Allah, and prayed one hundred times a day for forgiveness. Nor can we be sure what will happen to us on the Last Day (Muslim 2702, Musim 35.6523, Bukhari 4837, Bukhari 5777, Bukhari 4249). We cannot be confident of being successful and entering Jannah, unless our scales are heavy with good deeds which outweigh our bad deeds (Quran 23.101-104, Quran 22.50, Quran 5.35-37).

'Isa will return to break the crosses

'Isa will return to break the crosses (Quran 9.29-30). Before the Last Day of Allah's judgment, the sahih ahadith say that 'Isa will return to establish Islam everywhere and “fight the people for the cause of Islam.” In doing so, 'Isa will smash the crosses (the signs of the Christians) and kill the swine (unclean animals) (Quran 9.29-30, Bukhari 2222, Bukhari 2476, Bukhari 2476, Bukhari 3448, Bukhari 3449, AbuDawud 4310).

We must strive hard to earn the rewards of Jannah

We must strive hard to earn the rewards of Jannah (Quran 23.101-104, Quran 22.50, Quran 9.38-55, Bukhari 4836). It is only the good-doers whom Allah will reward, and on the Last Day it is only those with a full ledger of good deeds who will have an easy reckoning (Quran 78.21-40, Quran 4.115-116, Quran 4.168-171, Quran 23.101-104). The successful on the Last Day will enter Jannah, the Garden of Paradise, enjoying its riches forever: flowing rivers, mansions, thrones, cool shade, couches, cushions, rich carpets, cups of wine, meat, fruit, fine jewellery, young servants and beautiful virgin brides (Quran 56.1-56, Quran 78.21-40, Quran 55.46-78).

23:102 And those whose scales are heavy [with good deeds] - it is they who are the successful.


Entrance into paradise is Allah's rewarrd for good works.

The Quran says Allah created us to worship him and submit to His will. Although Allah cast out Adem and Hawa (Eve) from the Paradise, he promised to send guidance for mankind. Those who worship Allah alone (tawhid) and do good deeds might receive mercy, and enter Paradise as a reward.

Islam says the Tawrat was sent by Allah through Musa (Moses), with guidance and light for humanity (Quran 5.44). Yet many Muslims say these books were changed beyond recognition long ago: the Tawrat of Musa (Moses) was changed; the Zabur of Dawud (David) was changed; so was the Injil of ‘Isa (Jesus). ‘Isa is a sign for humanity: a mercy from Allah (Quran 19.21), but his mission is undone by Jews and Christians, who changed Allah’s words. This is why Allah sent a final revelation, the Quran, in which Allah promised to preserve his guidance.


  • Did Allah make promises in the Bible? If these were altered before the days of the Prophet, how did his countrymen know of them?
  • Read Quran 55.46-78 and Revelation 21:1-7. What is different about these two pictures of Paradise?
  • Read Bukhari 8:75:319 and Muslim 35:6522. Was the Prophet confident of entering Paradise? Are you?